Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Nothing is sacrosanct.

When an idea is born, i.e. thrown into this world, its becomes subject to scrutiny by countless others who can comprehend it. These scrutinies either add many more heads to it or nudges it to adjust a little. So the most firm shape an idea can ever attain is the shape of any fluid. A Fluid for which this world acts as a vessel, and the vessel in this case being evolutinary itself is never able to give any idea its "due shape". This fluidity of an idea reminds us that nothing is sacrosanct.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

A foiled attempt

I don't remember who it was or even when it was but it doesn't bothers me cause if you continue to do what I do sooner or later it had to come to this when your memory serves you very crudely. It was probably just the other day when someone knocked me off my feet when he/she retorted with "Hawa nahi hai aandhi hai desh ka doosra Gandhi hai ". It wasn't the statement per se but the context which appalled me, the doosra Gandhi referred here is our own Modiji. Though the person, I'm still trying to remember who it was, only meant humour but I know there are folks out there who would buy it.

May be it has been that long, may be people have forgotten their lessons learnt in history. I'm sure there many people who now believe that Gandhi had something do with establishment of RBI or may be he was the first governor of the tiger and palm tree bank as his face is slapped over all the currency notes. The tendency of forgetfullness is probably most evident in us Indians and this a glaring example of our that propensity.

The statement seems to make an obvious connect between the two based on their native province but looking closely, one can easily make out that there are other similarities too. So in the spirit of rememberance I would like to point out that both have had exemplary careers in public life and due to thier incredible contribution in the Indian way of life they both have takers all over the world. Gandhi found his followers in Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr., Aung San Suu Kyi, etc. who made defining contributions in the evolution of their respective countries. Similarly, Modiji also have pupil from all over. Modiji's philosophy seems very infectious and that's why our neighbours were the first profiteer of it. Mahinda Rajapaksa seems to be an ardent supporter of our Modiji, he borrowed a leaf from Modi's life and slapped it over the Srilankan Tamils. I'm sure Mr. Rajapaksa is quite the vikas-purush(in Sinhalese if you prefer) for the rest of Srilankans. Pakistan nowadays is gearing up for an election and is quite pleased with what it has achieved so far. It finally had a democratically elected government which had completed its full term, it was the first government to do since country's independence. The incumbent's USP is that they were able to preserve democracy and persecution of minoroties shouldn't matter as it never mattered in Gujrat. The incumbent is likely to retain power in Pakistan as people of the subcontinent are plagued with chronic forgetfulness which is the only thing which seems to connect them despite the Radcliff line and the Palk Strait. Our own Mamta-di is quite influenced by Modiji. She showed a lot of promise when she was elected with her agenda of poriborton which everyone now knows what it meant. It meant no opposition, somewhere down the line she would probably be compared to Subhas Chandra Bose as they both hailed from the same state.

Not only similarity but if one ponders the differences between Gandhi and Modiji aplenty too. While Gandhi was convicted several times our Modiji uber-clean image in this regard. Also, Gandhi never could do much for people of Gujrat he just bulit few ashrams here and there whereas Modiji turned Gujrat into a rapidly developing state with booming industries and world class infrastructure.

Lastly, on a serious note, the road which is being built in Gujrat is not an Indian road its only a saffron road and I certainly won't be proud walking on such a road would you?  

Thursday, December 6, 2012

A transitional Phase

     Nowadays I'm in Delhi, a city with no culture of its own. Delhi is a city of immigrants and they know it to their very core even if they stay here for centuries they don't treat as its their own city. Everybody here is, apparently, just passing their time and all they really want is to be some place not here. Delhi is just a 'launchpad' for most of the people and they also treat it like one. I don't know if there would be any place like this anywhere in the world. A place devoid of any soul. Whatever people might say, believe me there is no such term like 'Delhite' because if there is one how do you define it??

   Despite all this, Delhi is really a reminder of a very fundamental aspect of Indian philosophy which believes in an eternal journey of a soul where life, or rather human life, is just transitory phase. So next time when you are in Delhi and people here give you the feeling that 'everbody is in a hurry' then pause for a moment and think how collectively we have created a physical manifestation of the soul of 'bhagvad gita'. Though I can go on but I feel to many words would spoil it...:)

Monday, June 6, 2011

Life goes on......

It would be easier for everyone, including me, if we could just drop the causality of elicitation and concentrate on the train of thoughts just for
a moment. Given that, Trust me dear Sathy I mean you no disrespect when
I say this-'Hows' are not as fruitful as the 'Whys' to worry about but
you can only know of this If you might have lived a life rather than spent
one in observing another, have you ever wondered how ordinary is your life?

Well that question might have felt as bump to your head if you know what
I mean. So to ease things off with an intention of blowing gentle cool air
allow me to give different overture to the given set of things. Imagine that
there is massive attack on your country and the government is looking for volunteers to join in the army, the air force and the navy and suppose you
did volunteered and got enlisted. Every individual who volunteered might
have a unique reason which stimulated him/her to do so.

Well, Whatever might be the reason of you being there would you like to
come back to your life again? Would you like your normal self again?
Though you know whatever you do everything would be downhill from there.
Its pretty strange when we come to look at things in that manner we realise
that how meaningless, how ordinary and how mundane over life were. We never
might have even realised it and our whole life would have just crossed
without we making any fuss about it. We never realise how daily chores
succumbs life out of life itself. It probably the greatest paradox-
how life sucks life out of itself.

Personally, I don't have any regrets in my life given another chance I
would be the exact same person I'm today. I would make precisely the same
choices which I made, I would make the exact same mistakes which I made,
I would love the same people whom I love today. But I believe, as it is
only 'possible to connect the dots looking backwards' whatever I would
have done I could not have made my life anything else other than 'ordinary'
which it is. Whether this ordinary bug is on you or not life goes on.....

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Though its late but a part of me doesn't want to let you sleep.

It might be the best thing that others do at this ungodly hour,

Still as my feelings(for you) my intentions are also uncanny tonight.

I long for twinkle of your eyes, the warmth of your voice, the

staunchness of your thoughts and the rare yielding demeanour.

Though no coital feelings cross my mind at this crossroads

but still nights turns unbearable.

At this imbroglio where you had me put in

I'm unable to locate any noun but your name.

Reprising it overwhelms me and turns me into receptive being.

Though the above feelings prevail Its still hard to convince "I"

to disturb one's sleep for something 'unimportant'.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Life's Buzzing

--> -->
I would die someday and leave my ashes and wishes behind
The only wish my corpse would have, to remain with you
‘To infinity and beyond’
My soul is a hostage with me it hankers to be freed by you.
I can no more bear this pain tears roll down from my eyes
As these thoughts cross my mind.
Please come down and take me with you.
It’s very silent out here and you know I am afraid of solitude
But this state of zero as some would say that some day, it
might approach from either way to ‘infinity and beyond’.
I feel a sensation I don’t know what is it but the breathing
is not that easy now. I want to lie down and rest.
A state of sullen silence draws near and I want to give it away.
I don’t have the mettle to fight any further.
If not in this then in some other life
I will follow you to ‘infinity and beyond’